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Professional Education Advocates

Can STOP the School to Prison Pipeline NOW!!

Railroading these children is frequently done because of a lack of educational need identification and misunderstanding the causes of provocative language. Learn advanced IEP development, so to prevent this.


CLICK below to get your free Provocative Language e-book.


60% of children identified as juvenile delinquents

read well below grade level.


This information gave me many a  sleeplessnight.


It motivated me to learn how to correctly develop IEPs

that help these children.


Let this raise your social justice awareness

and motivate you to read this free ebook



What does PROVOCATIVE LANGUAGE look like?

  • Is it a manifestation of a child’s disability?

  • It is often a misunderstood behavior in Autism, ADHD, TBI, School Trauma and Tourette syndrome.

  • It can be a result of: Social incompetence, Language deficits, Sensory dis-regulation and unaddressed School Trauma and resulting behaviors

  • Suspensions , Expulsions and Zero Tolerance policies are all NOT research based interventions and have created the school to prison pipeline.


It is through disability identification and child focused educational need identification and IEP development that the school to prison pipeline can be STOPPED!



for your free e-book on

Provocative Language


The National Special Education Advocacy Institute (NSEAI), the only Professional Association for education advocates, developed a national Board Certification program for Education Advocate (BCEA).

Having a Board Certified Education Advocate designation (BCEA) positions YOU as a child focused professional education advocate and IEP DEVELOPMENT EXPERT.

This includes comprehensive IEP team cross training which clarifies all the right questions that lead to the right answers for each and every child.




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